Families Around U.S. Filing Claims On Behalf Of Children Affected By Zofran
The number of claims against pharmaceutical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline has recently reached into double digits as more families are discovering that the exposure to Zofran in the womb has been linked to birth defects by a number of studies.
Monday, June 22, 2015 - As Zofran birth defect lawsuits against GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) continue, families from around the country have been sharing their stories of birth defect complications allegedly caused by the nausea medicine. Parents from states around the country have had to deal with a myriad of issues with children born with serious maladies, which they claim are linked to Zofran and GSK's illegal off-label marketing of the drug for morning sickness relief. In addition to a lack of information warning patients of the birth defect risks associated with Zofran, plaintiffs are claiming that GSK was well aware of the birth defect issues with the drug and intentionally withheld that knowledge from the public.
The most recent lawsuit was filed on June 10 in Ohio and accused Zofran as a contributing factor to a couple's child being born with a serious heart defect. The child only lived for three days before the birth defect led to her passing. The mother claims that she was prescribed Zofran after telling her doctor she was having issues with nausea during the pregnancy. The child appeared to be healthy until days before the expected due date when the heart rate began to drop. Attorneys representing the family claim that the off-label recommendation given by her physician was pushed by GSK in many cases like hers and that the birth defects were a symptom of the pharmaceutical company failing to test the medication before marketing it for morning sickness use.
A family in Arkansas filed a lawsuit on May 21 claiming that their child's exposure to Zofran in the womb was a contributing factor to the cleft lip is was born with. The mother in this case was prescribed Zofran to deal with morning sickness early in her pregnancy. The plaintiffs in the case claim that not only did GSK fail to properly test the drugs, leading to their child's birth defect, but that it offered medical professionals kickbacks for promoting Zofran as an off-label morning sickness medication. This allegation is especially relevant for the defendant GSK as the company reached a $3 billion settlement with the Department of Justice in 2012 for a number of violations, some of the most common having to deal with kickbacks given to physicians who recommended drugs for off-label uses.
Another family in Texas filed a suit against GSK April 17, claiming that the congenital heart defects their child was born with were the cause of her Zofran use beginning in the first trimester of her pregnancy. In addition to the heart complication, the mother listed numerous ailments that her daughter was born with, including developmental delays and fluid on the brain. Lawyers representing the family in this case have referenced three studies conducted by scientists in Denmark and Sweden in the past two years that discovered a connection between Zofran and birth defects.
Including the three recent claims filed against GSK, the lawsuits pending against the company in connection with the Zofran birth defects have recently reached into double digits and are expected to grow as more potential plaintiffs learn about the alleged defect the medication has caused for children. Research coming from multiple sources, including the Einarson and Anderka studies as well as the recent ones conducted in northern Europe, are being presented by the plaintiffs as evidence that demonstrates that GSK was aware of the links between Zofran and birth defects for well over a decade.
More Recent Zofran Birth Defects Lawsuit News:
- Australian Zofran Study Finds Increased Risk Of Birth Defects | 1/27/2016
- GSK Files To Dismiss All Zofran MDL Lawsuits | 1/20/2016
- Diversity In Severity Of Defects Allegedly Caused By Zofran | 1/13/2016
- Zofran MDL Lawsuits Top 200 Total | 1/6/2016
- Questions Of Fact In Zofran MDL Lawsuits | 12/30/2015
- Direct Filing Allowed In Zofran MDL | 12/23/2015
- Total Zofran Lawsuits Expected To Top 200 | 12/16/2015
- Idaho Lawsuit Claims GSK Didn't Test Zofran On Humans | 12/9/2015
- Doctors Still Able To Prescribe Zofran For Morning Sickness | 12/2/2015
- Updates for Zofran MDL Heading Into Month Two Of Consolidation | 11/25/2015
- Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuits Top 100 Nationwide | 11/18/2015
- New Zofran Lawsuit Filed In Idaho | 11/11/2015
- First Zofran Status Conference Set For November 17 | 11/4/2015
- New Alabama Zofran Lawsuit Filed | 10/28/2015
- Four Separate Plaintiffs File Zofran Claim Together | 10/21/2015
- Zofran Lawsuits Consolidated by JPML | 10/14/2015
- Oregon Family Files New Zofran Lawsuit | 10/7/2015
- Toronto Star Zofran Report Significant In Plaintiffs' Arguments | 9/30/2015
- Lawsuits Grow Nationwide As MDL Decision Nears | 9/16/2015
- Two New Zofran Lawsuits Claim Birth Defects From 1990's | 9/9/2015
- New Zofran Lawsuit Claims GSK Drug Led To Child's Single Kidney | 9/2/2015
- JPML Will Hear GSK Motion To Transfer In October | 8/26/2015
- Zofran Lawsuits Top 30 Nationwide As GSK Spokesperson Denies Liability | 8/19/2015
- Two New Zofran Lawsuits Filed In Illinois And North Dakota | 8/12/2015
- FDA Plans Public Meeting Regarding Off-Label Medication | 8/5/2015
- New Report Released Intended To Advise Potential Zofran Plaintiffs. | 7/29/2015
- New Zofran Lawsuits Filed In Alabama and Louisiana | 7/22/2015
- Zofran Lawsuits Expected To Rise After MDL Request | 7/15/2015
- GSK Files Motion To Transfer 12 Zofran Lawsuits Into MDL | 7/8/2015
- Research Linking Zofran and Birth Defects Prevalent Throughout US | 7/1/2015
- New Zofran Lawsuit In Ohio Claims Drug Caused Death of Daughter | 6/14/2015
- Plaintiffs Continue To File New Zofran Lawsuits | 6/10/2015
- New Zofran Lawsuit Filed in Alabama | 4/9/2015
No-Cost, No-Obligation Zofran Birth Defect Lawsuit Case Review If You or a Loved One Has Had a Baby with Birth Defects
Onder, Shelton, O'Leary & Peterson, LLC is a St. Louis personal injury law firm handling serious injury and death claims across the country. Its mission is the pursuit of justice, no matter how complex the case or strenuous the effort. Onder, Shelton, O'Leary & Peterson has represented clients throughout the United States in pharmaceutical and medical device litigation such as Pradaxa, Lexapro and Yasmin/Yaz, where the firm's attorneys held significant leadership roles in the litigation, as well as Actos, DePuy, Risperdal and others, and other law firms throughout the nation often seek its experience and expertise on complex litigation.